Friday, October 7, 2011


I received many advices from family, friends, colleagues and teachers. Honestly, I almost never followed their advices. I thought these advices are usually true, but they are not feasible, at least in my case. However, I really respect these advices and these advisors. In fact, I remember these advices, use them when it is necessary ( a few years later) and forget not to prayer for the advisors. Do you guys think that Google is the best advisor today?

Sometimes, I wish received the good advices from someones, but unfortunately, they did not want to give. The valuable advices seem cost money. I really believe in books and mechanically follow  the lessons, the advices from there. Many people think that that were unrealistic. In my view, these books were written by the experienced or success people, so it would be good.

Sometimes, I gave some advices for my friends and my students but they seemed weight not much. I think the best advice I have given  is'' listening carefully''. By being listened and encouraged, people will find the ways to solve problem by their self,  from their inner cores.

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