Thursday, September 29, 2011


In my opinion, this quote is really true. In one hand, an optimistic person dare to accept a challenge with many difficulties. He will step by step pass to succeed, and also find new opportunities. If he fails, this failure actually will make him stronger for the next challenge. In the other hand, pessimistic people do not accept an opportunity because they worry about the difficulties.

I am a pessimistic guy, unfortunately. I always ask myself: ‘’It seems I have a half empty glass, did I do something wrong? ‘’ or '' It would be better if I did something else?

In my life, until now, I have not been being a kind of people who always seek for a new opportunity, althought I want to be. But sometimes, opportunity come to me and I often try to make use it. First step, I close my eyes to jump and follow that opportunity. Then, I opened my eyes, counted all the difficulties and planed to solve it. However, most of these difficulties never happened and there would be some new interesting opportunities or better result.

Pessimism makes our life fade to black while optimism makes us smile everyday. I believe that each of us can become optimism, because optimism is actually a habit that we can train to reach (I am training each day too)

Finally, I admire the American about optimism. By their optimism, they could send human to the Moon. They also wrote many books about optimism that we can read and train

Sunday, September 25, 2011

About my friend.

I have an wonderful friend who is my classmate at University. We shared some similarities and  of course, we have many differences.

To be a good friend of each other, at first we had many similarities. We were two international students in a class that the rest are 100% french. We had a same goal that both must work hard to have the degree without a double year. We both felt happy by spending our times, experiences and also money to help the others friends in studying and living abroad.

Althought have the same vision, we acted differently. To face a new challenge, I usually planed to act including my friend's helps. He never refused and always stayed with me in each difficult moment. On the contrary,my friend always tried to solve his challenge alone before I came, stay behind and help. Sometimes, we met a failure, while I often felt sad and angry, my friend accepted and believed that it was normal.

In the University years, we met many people, shared many friends and I saw many differences in the way we behave to them. I appreciated the good ones, and strongly took precaution with someones that I thought were bad. On the other hand, my friends tolerated everybody. In fact, he believed that everyone is good and only their action are sometimes bad, because of circumstances, so we should listen, understand and accept.

We both graduated, and achieved our goals together. Each one has a good work,  and also an own family. We do not have time together as before but we keep contact and really respect and learn each other from the differences

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Animal language

When I was a kid, I always hoped my dog could talk with me, or the birds came to tell me about a secret treasure

Many people believe that animal can communicate each other by their own languages. I don’t think so. In my opinion, they can communicate by only their gesture and by some noise they make. Language is the biggest difference of animal and human.

If animal had had some developed languages, they could have built their own developed society, as we could see in the movie’’ The Planet of Apes’’. The human society might not be like now, because we must compete with other developed societies of animal.

If they had been able to talk with us, by our language, we would not have eaten meats anymore, because animals would say:'' Please, do not kill me''. We might have eaten chemical meat. And our World would have been Disney Land, or Wonder Land of Alice.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The house of rising sun

I loved many songs, but I do not know which one is my favorite. In this blog, I want to share my feeling about the song ‘’The House of Rising Sun’’.

In 2004, when I was studying my last year of Master Degree at Paris, this song gave a big emotion. In fact, I was sharing an apartment with some roommates who spent most time for alcohols, gambles and girls (now, they are wealthy and having good jobs)…they were nice and generous for me, but simply I was not a kind of them. I felt alone and sad. In Paris, finding a room is as difficult as having a visa to enter the US

One day of November, I got up early to go to school and randomly listened the rhythm of this song was being on Karaoke of the Morning show TV. I saw the rising Sun in the window from my 6th floors and my tears fell down without causes.  I felt as I was living as the guy in this song.

I decided in one second that I would not stay in the house with my roommates anymore. That day, instead of coming to school, I went to find a new apartment. God blessed me; I found another room and moved in a few days.

Finally, this song is not the song I love the most, but it made me cry and gave me a decision that I never regret. If I had stayed in that house of rising sun, I would have been a gambling man and could have become wealthy like my ex-roommates or I might not have finished my Degree, ….I thank the song and the band

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About the weather

The weather of Southern California is really good. There is sunshine everyday and it makes people always feel happy. Have you ever been in a cloudy day, when the Sun up at 9pm, and down at 5 pm? In that day, you will feel tired.

From last couple of weeks, it has been being so hot, but we still support it. But if I can wish, I wish there will be a rain. In the last winter, it was not so cold, but it was often dry and it make me sore my throat. If it was less dry, California would be better than paradise.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My fears

There is a paradox for me,  I am a teacher but I still fear of the school.

First, I fear of to face with the teachers. I feel really nervous each time when I must meet them. Even though I have prepared many things carefully, I can not speak fluently. Second, I fear of examination’s failure. Until now, this one still happen in my dreams and make me really scare. 

I really do not know how to overcome it. I tried to work hard to forget my fears, or to do not regret. An example is I spent 6 days to learn before writing test of driver license while the others study only 2 days.

I did not know to solve my fears, but I like to help the others to reduce it, if they had the same fears. As I am a teacher, I often tell my students do not scare, come and visit me every time they want. I would listen, tolerate, and then try to solve everything with them. In the future, as a dad, I will always love, stay behind and encourage my child in every failure.